i decided to participate in oh fransson's paintbox quilt-along. it started in january. i started yesterday. technically i started closer to january because i ordered my robert kaufman kona solids jelly roll in january. i lovingly photographed it when it arrived.

and then i shopped. and shopped for prints to go with the solids. then all of the fabric sat on top of my sewing machine for, well, a couple of months. yesterday i sorted and started! cutting.

i've decided to not use the brown solid or two of the three white solids that came in the jelly roll and instead i'm going to use a black solid and two additional gray solids. i also have one more blue solid to find a print to match, more shopping for me!
today i started sewing! i started with the gray solid because it is my favorite! i love gray! and then sewed the white because it is b-o-r-i-n-g. i continued with the greens because they are my least favorite and thought i'd work from not so exciting for me towards the colors i like better. except that is just today. sometimes greens are my favorites. i guess my real strategy is that i piled them up and i'm just working through the pile. i only sewed for a bit and then i cut some more.
8 blocks down... 72 to go!

i wanted to photograph the stack... it looks pathetically small but i am not discouraged!