the weather was perfect and i found myself many times sitting and looking around and thinking, "i can't believe that i live here." while sipping our morning coffee we were treated to two eagles, perched at the top of two very tall trees, singing away to one another. i have never heard an eagle sing and they have a very pretty song. vince and i motored down to boston harbor and picked up nathan.
the three of us continued on to mcmicken island and moored for the night. we went to shore a couple of times and nathan had fun stepping on clams and geoducks trying to make them squirt him. he eventually got brave enough to try to grab the necks of the geoducks and screamed as they pulled themselves back into their shells deep in the mud. nathan found a shell for me and we were all surprised when out popped this little critter (not exactly a bug o' the day but it will have to do)...
rowing back from the shore, i snapped this photo of Sway...
nathan and i returned to shore later in the evening and landed on what we called "sand dollar beach" because you couldn't walk without stepping on sand dollars. the live ones bury themselves and can survive being stepped on thank goodness.
so needless to say i wasn't excited when we pulled Sway back into her slip at fiddlehead and jumped into the car and headed out into traffic. can't wait till we can take her out again!